Friday, June 13, 2008

A Suggested Committee Process

We face an interesting dilemma. On the one hand we are asked to make recommendations concerning an important aspect of our school's future educational modus operandi.

That might be fine if we all had a fine working knowledge of the 21st Century teaching and learning skills that are being employed around the world right know ( I suggest a brief look at the "Glossary" in our wiki). The paradigm shift in the web, sometimes referred to Web 2.0, is profound. We do, however have time and school support. We can deliberate the issues using the very 21st Century teaching and learning skills we will be promoting.

To complicate matters even more, much of the work we must do is much more in serial form than parallel. Early major decisions, i.,e. "1-1 computing" or another stratagem, will be of major impact on later recommendations. What a wonderful opportunity we have!

Therefore, I recommend a kind of "just in time" approach to learning the basic tools and background acquisition; while at the same time working our way systematically through the plan development.

Our next blog post, for instance, will introduce us to something called "The Google Notebook"; it's elements and uses. This will be the first entry in the wiki Toolbox. Simultaneously, we will begin a hard examination of the notion-1-1 Computing.

Seven of us are wiki writers and a lesser number has joined the blog. Remember, you must join Google to use Blogger. Let me know if you have any "member" issues.

Fortes in Fide!

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